Monday, June 7, 2010


Hello there!

As you can see, I have not posted anything on this blog in a while. That is because I am currently living at my in-laws and do somewhere between 0 and 3% of the cooking here. Don't think me lazy, it's just they tend to eat dinner at 4 or 5pm, where as I would normally eat around 7, maybe even 8pm. Our tastes in foods are different as well.

Either way, all of my kitchen stuff is packed away in this place or the other, and I don't have a lot in the way of money. This means my food/beer budget is... well... non-existent.

So, until I have my own place and a steady job, I'm afraid I am going to have to put this blog on pause. I will, however, be starting a movie review blog, as I still watch plenty of movies.

Thank You!
